Architects to Hold 3rd Annual Art Exhibition and Auction, April 24

CIMA, the Congress of International Modern Architects, will hold their third annual members’ art exhibition and auction to benefit the non-profit group from April 17th through 24th at the Paul Rodgers/9W Gallery. Environmental Artist Alan Sonfist to speak at event. CIMA, dedicated to the highest principles of modern architecture, is a young international organization headquartered in New York City with nascent chapters in Germany, India, Greece and China.The art works on display to be auctioned on April 24th include fine art and architectural drawings in various media: drawings, oils, pastels, sculpture and photos by CIMA members. Previous exhibitions have included works by Lord Norman Foster, Sir Richard Rogers, Richard Meier, Ati Gropius, Harry Seidler, Theoharis David, William Katavolos, John Johansen, Giorgio Cavaglieri, Giuliano Fiorenzoli, and many others.

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